Conversations that maximise potential

Are you a mid-level manager ready to take your career to the next level? Kerry Oldfield specializes in 1-to-1 coaching that equips you with the skills and strategies needed to move into upper-level management. The payoff? A clear pathway to leadership roles where you can make a significant impact and achieve your professional aspirations.

Coaching Process

A Coaching Process That Evolves with You
Your journey to upper-level management is dynamic, and so is Kerry's coaching approach. As your needs and challenges evolve, the coaching process adapts, ensuring that you’re always moving forward with clarity and purpose.

The Payoff: Your Leadership Potential, Realized
What’s the real value of working with Kerry Oldfield? It’s the ability to transform your ambitions into reality. With tailored coaching, you’ll develop the confidence, skills, and strategic mindset needed to excel in upper-level management. The payoff is a career where you’re not just managing but leading—making a difference and reaching new heights.

Coaching Values

Effective leadership begins with strong values. Here’s what you can count on:
Trust that builds a strong foundation for growth.
Openness that fosters meaningful conversations.
Non-Judgmental Listening that ensures you’re heard.
Empathy that resonates with your unique journey.
Integrity that guides every decision.
Confidentiality that protects your privacy.

These values are at the core of Kerry's coaching, creating an environment where you can confidently pursue your leadership goals.

Kerry Oldfield

As a highly trained professional I have a broad knowledge and understanding of company cultures, trust, openness, non-judgemental listening, empathy, integrity and confidentiality, these values are essential to my successful coaching. My approach is a dynamic, systematic process. It ‘evolves’ along with the client.
I challenge and support my coaching clients in achieving their desired well-formed outcomes. I am fully committed to helping and guiding them to achieve their goals, and I am a loyal supporter and trusted confidant.

B.Sc. (Psychology), M.A, (Organizational Strategic Change & Leadership) Grad. Dip. of Education

Is Executive Leadership Coaching Right for You? Here’s How to Tell.

  1. You’d love to be an inspiring leader but can’t imagine having significant, positive influence over events that bring happiness and success.
  1. You are curious, and wonder what could be possible for you, if you engage with a knowledgeable Master Personal Leadership Coach to learn new strategies and skills.
  1. You seek a more interesting, challenging, rewarding life beyond the boundary of common existence.
  1. You want to use your time more effectively helping and pleasing people you care about and creating strategies to deliver outstanding results in business and personal interests and activities.
  1. You want to build better relationships with people, which will endure difficult times, and assist cooperative development. 
  1. You seek a level of personal performance, progress, and achievement, beyond your current boundaries.
  1. You require support, so that you can plan effectively create better outcomes, and follow through on these important things, while avoiding self-defeating distractions.
  1. You’re ready to enrol in learning to think differently, and to start planning for significant lasting changes and strategies to improve your performance while adding success to your life.
  1. You want to experience a feeling of being alive, more aligned to achievement, and engaged in living with a passion for excellence.


Ready to take your career to the next level?

What some clients have said about Kerry

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